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Why scientists say this stunning ancient lake in Turkey might as well be on Mars lucky jet игра
With its vivid turquoise, green and blue waters, it’s no surprise Lake Salda is often promoted as the “Maldives of Turkey.”

Extraordinary to look at, peaceful and surrounded by an abundance of wildlife, it’s little wonder if has become a significant, if lesser-known attraction, located deep in the country’s southwest.

But there’s so much more to this gorgeous body of water and its white-sand beaches than just beauty to get tourists excited. According to scientists, Lake Salda is the only place on Earth that’s analogous to the Jezero Crater on Mars.

It’s a fact that has piqued the interest in space scientists at a time when humankind is increasingly turning its attention to the Red Planet as a possible destination for a crewed mission.

It’s also helped increase environmental awareness around this fragile treasure, which is facing existential threats from pollution and decreasing water levels.

Briony Horgan, a professor at Purdue University’s Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Department, traveled to Turkey in 2019 with NASA’s Perseverance rover team to study the mysterious lake, and was struck by its resemblance to a distant planet.

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